ECMAScript 6 introduces some new array methods that is useful to loop through an array items. In this post, I'll try to explain how I understand some ES6 high order...
I've been learning backend web development stuff lately to create an API and whatnot. We all know that a popular REST client to test API is Postman. I like it...
So I've been learning Japanese lately then I came across this question, "How do I input a japanese character on my laptop?" I use a 12-keys layout to insert japanese...
Hi! In this post, I'll go through about my current setup using suckless programs. Some people like suckless software (including me) and some of them hate it, whether if it's...
Hi! This time I will explain about how I setup my spotifyd + spotify-tui to enjoy music from spotify without their resource heavy app. It's not Spotify's fault, it's Electron....