If you don't know already, Deno v1.0 has been released lately. It brings quite a hype for a lot of web developers especially one who has worked with Node. The...
Hi! So I made this blog about 2 months ago and I think now it doesn't have a decent UI/UX at least in my opinion. Now, because I have plenty...
I've been using Window Manager for the past 8 months, more or less. Starting from i3, I then moved to i3-gaps, then came across BSPWM. During that period, I switched...
So, I have a pretty bad laptop with Intel Celeron N4000 processor which runs super slow. Of course I can't stand that, so I decided to change my laptop to...
Hello internet people of the internet! In this post, I will tell you people the reason why I use Linux and how I know Linux. Well, the correct term here...